Registered ASIC SMSF Audit

Registered ASIC SMSF Audit

The independent audit process-Australia wide.

  • ASIC registered self managed superannuation fund auditor number 100109117
  • All information can be processed electronically or by post. The files you supply can be uploaded, emailed or posted with originals or certified copies on a CD or flash drive.
  • Scanned or any other documents may require confirmation from third parties
  • At the start of the process, you must bring any known breaches, missing/lost records or any matters of concern to the Auditor’s attention
  • I endeavour to have a fast turnaround service, however it is your responsibility to allow sufficient time to undertake the audit before the ATO deadline

Fees with no further hidden charges

1st year funds or those with less than 15 bank account transactions for the year- includes rollovers and contributions
Funds with listed shares, term deposits, widely held trusts, cash and managed funds and up to 45 bank transactions for the year
Funds with real estate and no borrowing, listed shares, widely held trusts, cash and managed funds and up to 65 bank transactions for the year
Funds with exotic investments, e.g. artwork, golf clubs, real estate or other assets rented to friends or relatives, includes limited recourse loans

3 easy steps


Register by entering the required information and once you are registered with us, you will be able to use our client portal immediately. After registering, paper documents may also be posted to me.


Once you are registered, you can add a fund which you want us to audit. You can add funds in bulk, that is more than one fund at a time, download this sheet to add details of all funds you want us to audit.

Once the fund is added, you can download the trustee representation letter, audit engagement letter for your fund. These documents need to be uploaded after the trustees have signed them. We will let the previous auditor know that we have taken over the audit of the fund.


Once a fund has been added, upload all permanent and yearly audit evidences and simply click a button for us to commence our audit.

Click here for list of permanent documents which we will require for our audit.

Click here for a list of Yearly audit documents which we will require for our audit.